Else von Hollander


Else von Hollander born Riga, Latvia December 13, 1885 (d. 1932). Founder of nonviolent Bruderhof movement, 1920; sister of Emmy; secretary to Eberhard Arnold.


"It is wonderful to live in brotherhood. The love and faithfulness of our brotherhood is a miracle." (Emmy Arnold, Joyful Pilgrimage, p. 184; photo Ancestry.com)

Hanelore Vonier


Hanelore Vonier born Weilmünster, Limburg, Germany September 27, 1951. German expert on matriarchy and peaceful societies.


"Peaceful societies are contemporary groups of people who effectively foster interpersonal harmony and who rarely permit violence or warfare to interfere with their lives." (matriarchy.info; photo World People's Blog)

Mary Heaton Vorse


Mary Heaton Vorse born New York, NY October 11, 1874 (d. 1966). Journalist; novelist and poet; labor organizer; Socialist and pacifist. Opposed World War I; co-founder of Pacifist Women's Party, 1915; delegate and reporter at International Congress of Women at The Hague, 1915.


"No one can be a pacifist without being ready to fight for peace and die for peace." (The Hague, April 27, 1915; passport photo 1917 wiki pd)

Anna Vroland


Anna Vroland (née Fellowes) born Ascot Vale, Victoria, Australia May 7, 1902 (d. 1978). Australian peace activist and human rights leader. Secretary, Australian WILPF. Led fight for aboriginal rights, 1940s. First to protest nuclear tests in central Australia; lost job as headmistress because of political views.


Let the religious put their emphasis on spiritual force if they can; and let the educators if they can, try to answer the questions the young ask. The time is now. If the arms race and the mad escalation of wars is not halted, how can there be any tomorrow?” (The Age, May 4, 1970; photo indigenousrights.net.au)

Nevena Vuckovic Sahovic


Nevena Vučković Šahović born Belgrade August 2, 1955. UN expert on rights of the child 2003-9; human rights lawyer; President of Child Rights Centre Belgrade; judge International Children's Peace Prize.


"Children as rights-holders must be able to have violations of their rights considered." ("Children in the Face of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity." UN Human Rights Council)