August 3
/Women peacemakers born today
1802 Sarah Platt Doremus born Manhattan, NY (d. 1877). "Jewel of New York" who organized international relief to Greece 1828, Ireland 1869; inspired by appeals of oppressed Chinese women, she started single women's missions.
1868 Cathinca Olsen born Copenhagen, Denmark (d. 1947). Gandhian ceramist, painter and designer. Leader of Gandhian Friends of India; stayed at his ashram 1928-9 where she painted.
1893 Elsa Cedergren born Stockholm, Sweden (d. 1996 aged 102). Quaker granddaughter of Swedish King Oscar II; leader of Action Group against Swedish Nuclear Bomb; head of Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC), the international association of Quakers 1959-61; the first worldwide meeting of FWCC in Africa, Nairobi 1961.
1905 Maggie Kuhn born Buffalo, NY (d. 1995). Radical nonviolent social reformer; founded Grey Panthers 1970 against agism, sexism and militarism; first protest opposed Vietnam War Aug. 1970.
1920 Nicola Geiger born Germany (d. 2006). Buddhist Peace activist; joined White Rose resistance to Hitler; lost husband and 2 babies in World War II; raped at end of war Berlin 1945; turned to life of peace: aided postwar refugees; helped Korean survivors of Japanese occupation, and Hiroshima victims; opposed Marcos regime in Philippines; sat-in segregated restaurants; 8 years at Resource Center for Nonviolence Santa Cruz; opposed Vietnam War; active in Women Strike for Peace and WILPF.
1935 Myrna Lamb born Newark, NJ. Feminist playwright led United Women's Contingent in massive protest of 500,000 against Vietnam War 1971.
1936 Catherine Lalumiere born Rennes, France. Secretary General Council of Europe 1989-94; Vice President European Movement International.
1949 Lynne Greenwald born Erie, PA (d. 2014). American anti-nuclear activist; protested Vietnam War inside Pentagon. Arrested for climbing onto missile, Great Falls, MT, sentenced to six months while pregnant, but released after one month,1982; led protests against missile carrying White Train; arrested for cutting three fences into Kitsap missile base, Bangor, WA, served 6 months prison, 2009.
1949 Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis born Limossol, Cyprus. First woman Foreign Minister of Cyprus 2007; poet; sociologist; delegate to UN active in securing independence of Namibia.
1964 Annick Girardin born St. Malo, France. French politician. Member of National Assembly, 2007-14. Junior Minister for Development, 2014-present.
Women's peacemaking on this day
1529 Ladies Peace of Cambrai negotiated by Louise of Savoy, Regent of France, and Margaret of Austria, Regent of the Netherlands, ending war between France and Austria.
1983 Puget Sound Women's Peace Camp demonstration against pornography.
1986 World Sing-Out for Peace organized Milwaukee by Ruth Johnson.
1986 Laurie MacBride led the Motherpeace action civil disobedience at Nanoose Bay, Vancouver Island. Eight women were arrested for holding a picnic protest at Winchelsea Island, center of the Nanoose naval weapons testing range.