Anna Bugge


Anna Bugge-Wicksell born Egersund, Norway September 17, 1862 (d. 1928). Norwegian feminist and suffrage leader. Sweden's first woman diplomat; secretary of Swedish Peace Society. Traveled throughout Norway to promote women's suffrage, 1888. Advocated for international arbitration and reconciliation, 1890. Attended League of Nations inaugural session as alternate member, Geneva, 1920; became first woman to join its Permanent Mandates Commission, 1921.


“I believe that position of women and children in the mandatory areas to be particularly helpless, and that the presence upon the Committee of one member, who can feel as a woman for other women as well as for children and who will make it her special business to care for and speak for that part of the native population, can be of great value.” (March 22, 1921 to Sec. Drummond, Carol Miller, Lobbying the League, p. 155; photo Wikipedia)