Hannah Johnston Bailey


Hannah Johnston Bailey born Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, NY July 5, 1839 (d. 1923). Quaker head of Peace & Arbitration Department of Women's Christian Temperance Union 30 years 1887-1916, the most influential American peace organization of the last quarter of nineteenth century; editor of two peace publications, Pacific Banner and The Acorn 1889-1895; opposed all wars and conscription; suffragist, opposed capital punishment; officer of Universal Peace Union promoting nonviolent resolution of disputes, opposing imperialism; joined Women’s Peace Party opposing World War I, and WILPF.


"The subject of peace is one of vital importance to women. . . It is her mission to bring life, not death, to this world. It is not consistent with this mission that she should bring sons into the world, and in sorrow and self sacrifice bring them to noble manhood to be slain in battle. The life of one boy (if he were my boy) is of more value than the perpetuation of a government." (1887 Lake Mohonk Conference, in John Craig, "Hannah Johnston Bailey." Quaker History, p. 3, Spring 1995; photo Swarthmore Peace Coll.)