Fransziska Brantner


Fransziska Brantner born Lörrach, South Baden, Germany August 24, 1979. Expert on UN reform; Green member Reichstag 2013; European Parliament 2009-13; foreign affairs spokesperson for Greens; promoted European Institute for Peace for conflict resolution; active in creation of European External Action Service; opposed European Somalia mission 2014, 2016; abstained on UN missions to Afghanistan 2014, Darfur 2013, South Sudan 2014, Central African Republic 2014.


I am not calling for a UN mandate for international intervention as is the case in Libya, but for a peacekeeping mission inside Syria. . . we need a full UN peacekeeping mission and I think it would be high time to prepare for it now.” (to European Parliament, June 12, 2012; photo badische.zeitung)