Yusra al-Barbari


Yusra al-Barbari born Al-Daraj, Gaza April 15, 1923. Palestinian educator; barred from leaving Gaza. Served Red Cross in WWII and later as executive. Palestinian delegate to UN General Assembly, 1963. Founding President, Palestinian Women’s Union in Gaza, 1964. Nobel Peace Prize nominee, 2005.


I‘m against occupation everywhere." (C. M. Naim, OutlookIndia.com)

Esther Benbassa


Esther Benbassa born Istanbul, Turkey March 27, 1950. French-Jewish historian and politician. Awarded Seligman Human Rights Prize for work against racism, 2006; elected French senator, 2011.


“[T]he real question of the discrimination the immigrants face in French society. . . doesn't allow for social and economic mobility—except in the rare instance.” (NY Sun, Jun. 7, 2006; photo Fayard authors)

Nana Berekashvili


Nana Berekashvili born Tblisi, Georgia January 27, 1951. Psychologist; UNIFEM trainer on Women's Role in Conflict Resolution and Peace-building, 1999; International Center on Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN); Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC).


"Sexual violence during the armed conflict is still tabooed issue, and you never learn about cases from media." (quote & photo GPPAC)

Anat Biletzki


Anat Biletzki born Jerusalem January 30, 1952. Israeli philosopher; professor at Tel Aviv University. Chair of human rights organization B'Tselem to end West Bank occupation, 2001-06.


"Israel is unequivocally in the wrong in holding on to any of the Occupied Palestinian Territories (the OPT) and must therefore vacate all those lands unilaterally." (Huffington Post, May 7, 2012; photo Israeli Occupation Archive)