Stella Cornelius


Stella Cornelius (née Cohen) born Sydney, Australia December 4, 1919 (d. 2011). Australian promoter of peace and conflict resolution; UN Peace Messenger; raised peace activist daughter Helena Cornelius. Founded Peace and Conflict Resolution Program of UN Association of Australia (UNAA), 1973; helped establish Media Peace Awards, 1978; founded Conflict Resolution Network, 1986, National Consultative Committee on Peace and Disarmament, 1986, and Macquarie University Centre for Conflict Resolution, 1988. Nobel Peace Prize nominee, 2005.



"From the very first, we said in order to do our work properly we must be interested in peacemaking, peacebuilding, peacekeeping. Not just nation to nation, not indeed just group to group, but person to person." (McGrath interview, 1982; photo Sydney Morning Herald)