Jackie Cabasso


Jacqueline "Jackie" Cabasso born New York September 10, 1952. Anti-nuclear weapons activist; speaker at NGO conferences on nuclear weapons in China, Brazil, Israel, India. NGO representative to international conferences, 1991-2014. A "founding mother" of Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons, 1995. Worked with World Court Project on legal status of nuclear weapons, 1995. Core organizer of 40,000-person New York No Nukes! No Wars! March, May 1, 2005; led International Conference for a Nuclear-Free, Peaceful, Just and Sustainable World, NY, 2010. Arrested 50+ times for nonviolent resistance in protest of American nuclear weapons at locales including Livermore Lab, Nevada Test Site, and the White House. Received Sean MacBride Peace Prize, 2008.


"[G]lobal elimination of nuclear weapons is an imperative for our collective survival. And we know that the 'ultimate' elimination of nuclear weapons will never happen unless we demand it now." (Common Dreams, Nov. 25, 2008)