Lisa Eurén-Berner


Elisabet “Lisa” Eurén-Berner born Luleå, Sweden October 31, 1886 (d. 1971). Swedish schoolteacher, popular writer, internationalist, and peace educator. Active in WILPF and Swedish Peace Society. Leader in Nordic peace education.


On her life's work toward human internationalism: “[It is] preparing space for the kingdom of God in this existence." (1927, in Ingela Nilsson, Nationalism in the Service of Peace, p. 120)

This feeling [love of country] needs to be expanded to encompass all people, to become real human love, goodwill, which leads to cooperation. We must come to feel it as a prominent Englishman, Lord Esher, not long ago, saying, 'I now regard England as my home and Europe as my country!’ In this spirit must we learn to look all over the world.” (1930, in Nilsson, p. 182)