Asli Erdoğan


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Asli Erdoğan born Istanbul, Turkey March 8, 1967. Turkish novelist and columnist. Arrested for newspaper criticism, 2016. Received Remarque Peace Prize, 2017.


I’m a person who is anti-war, who is anti-militaristic and who rejects all forms of killing including for self-defense; I’m someone who doesn’t even eat meat.” (defense at trial, Platform 24, Dec. 30, 2016; photo

Shirin Ebadi


Shirin Ebadi born Hamadan, Iran June 21, 1947. Nobel Peace Prize 2003 for human rights of women and children. Iranian justice.


"Since the advent of Islam. . . Iran's civilization and culture has become imbued and infused with humanitarianism, respect for the life, belief and faith of others, propagation of tolerance and compromise and avoidance of violence, bloodshed and war." (Nobel Address, Nov. 10, 2003; photo Nobel)