Coco Fusco
Coco Fusco (née Juliana Fusco Miyares) born New York, NY June 20, 1960. Cuban-American performance artist and professor. Anti-Apartheid “Rights of Passage”, 1997; women and war “A Room of One’s Own”, 2006; antiwar lecture “Observations of Predations in Humans: A Lecture by Dr. Zira, Animal Psychologist”, 2013.
“At the onset of the new millennium, American women finally have what they need to demonstrate their prowess. The War on Terror offers an unprecedented opportunity to the women of this great country." (“A Room of One’s Own”)
“[T]he balance in human society has shifted away from empathy toward aggressively individualistic behavior.” (Elia Alba interview, Dec. 12, 2013, BOMB; photo as Zira,