Loujain al-Hathloul


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Loujain al-Hathloul born Jeddah, Saudi Arabia July 31, 1989. Saudi human rights advocate. Arrested for driving, 2014; tortured, released with pledge of silence; arrested again, 2018.


“I am with the uprising of women in the Arab world because I can think and fully practice my religion [like men].” (Wikiquote “Did Facebook censor an Arab Women’s Rights Group”, Nov. 13, 2012)

“I will win. Not immediately, but definitely.” (Wikiquote, Mar. 5, 2017 by Shiromi Pinto, Amnesty International; photo thestar.com)

Hanan Al Hroub


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Hanan Al Hroub born Bethlehem, Palestine March 6, 1972. Teacher. Awarded million-dollar Global Teacher Prize (“Nobel Prize for Teaching”) for her teaching ”No to Violence,” 2016.


Each day, the role of the teacher is reinforced and its importance confirmed as the world questions what future we want for our children.” (acceptance speech, Guardian, Mar. 13, 2016; photo globalteacherprize.org)

Latifah Habachi


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Latifah Habachi born Tunis, Tunisia August 13, 1972. Lawyer and politician. Served on committee to draft new constitution following Jasmine Revolution, 2011. Member of Tunisian parliament, 2014. Supported Women’s Boat to Gaza from Barcelona to Sicily as crew member, 2016.


The Women’s Boat for Gaza is women worldwide who wish to make visible the spirit of indomitable resistance of Palestinian women, in a show of solidarity, to send them a message of hope to behind the walls of their prison in Gaza.” (Femmes Maghrebines, Sep. 6, 2016; photo capradio.tn)

Gisele Halimi


Gisèle Halimi (née Zeiza Gisèle Élise Taïeb) born La Goulette, Tunisia July 27, 1927. French-Tunisian human rights lawyer; feminist activist. Along with Bertrand Russell and Jean-Paul Sartre, among others, presided over war crimes tribunal, condemning American actions in Vietnam as war crimes of genocide and torture, 1967. Defended Algerian nationalist Djamila Boupacha, who had been tortured by the French, 1960. Publicly condemned Algeria War, specifically French torture of Algerian citizens, 1961. Founded feminist reproductive freedom organization Choisir, 1971.


[W]hat is important to me: the defense of the physical and moral integrity of individuals, the rights of the human person, the fight against torture, the fight against colonialism.” (interview http://bf.8ethique.free.fr/8halimi.htm; photo mémoites algériennes.com)

Louisa Hanoune


Louisa Hanoune born al-Shafiqa, Hegal, Algeria April 8, 1954. As head of Workers Party, first woman to run for Algerian presidency, 2004. Nobel Peace Prize nominee, 2005. Opposed Libya War and American military bases in Africa.


[E]xtending NATO’s mission paves the way for the embodiment of the establishment of the U.S. forces to Africa—AFRICOM—which was rejected by the Algerian state and the neighboring states. . . paving the way for “total chaos and the somatization of Libya. . . a time bomb and the entire region is a fuel tank for chaos.” (Islam Times, Nov. 1, 2011; photo Wikipedia)

Bahia Hariri


Bahia Hariri born Sidon, Lebanon June 26, 1952. Sunni Muslim; member of Lebanese Parliament, 1992-present; Minister of Education, 2008-09. UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, 2000; established Arab Women's Summit, 2001. Nobel Peace Prize nominee, 2005. Called for festival of 'peace and unity' to celebrate end of civil war; promoted role of women in Arab Spring.


"[E]fforts to bring about equality between men and women could be stifled without first making progress on establishing security and stability in the region. . . there is no goal more important than peace and security." (Euromed Women's Conference, November 24, 2005; photo tripolisc)

Amira Hass


Amira Hass born Jerusalem June 28, 1956. Israeli journalist critical of Israeli occupation of West Bank, where she has lived. Member of Freedom Flotilla to Gaza, 2011; described Gaza as a “a huge prison. . . a huge concentration camp” (Duke, March 23, 2015); Palestinian condition is “Israeli apartheid.” (Haaretz, Dec. 9, 2013). Arrested by Israeli for Gaza residence. Awarded Golden Dove of Peace Prize, 2001; Kreisky Human Rights Award, 2002.


Throwing stones is the birthright and duty of anyone subject to foreign rule. Throwing stones is an action as well as a metaphor of resistance.” (Haaretz, Apr. 30, 2013)

[M]y parents were leftists, not only Holocaust survivors, and. . . I learned from anyone about the right to resist oppression, I learned it from my parents.” (Democracy Now, Apr. 10, 2013; photo open book toronto.com)

Bahareh Hedayat


Bahareh Hedayat born Tehran, Iran April 5, 1981. Iranian feminist and student leader, repeatedly arrested 2006, jailed one month 2007, rearrested 2008, sentenced 9½ years 2010.


"It has not been long since the last goodbye and our passionate battle cry together to overcome the darkness. We intended to strive with a long stride to reach the shores of light and love. We thought, at last, there will be an end to our distress and suffering, and it won’t be long till freedom will be within our people’s reach." (Dec. 7, 2010 letter from prison; photo we-change.org)

Hind al-Husseini


Hind al-Husseini born Jerusalem April 25, 1915 (d. 1994). Rescued 55 survivors, all under age 9, from Deir Yassin massacre, 1948; converted grandfather's home to orphanage, Arab Children's House. Founded Hind al-Husseini College for Women, 1982.


I was walking along the streets of the Old City when I came upon a group of the most wretched children. They had been carried from their homes, snatched from the protecting arms of their parents, and thrown into the streets of the Old City. They stood huddled together against the lofty walls of the Holy City, casting terrified looks toward Heaven as if supplicating and praying for an end to that horrible nightmare. Those innocent puzzled eyes glittering with tears made everyone wonder how such outrages could be committed against humanity in an age of enlightenment and knowledge.” (Palestine: Information with Provenance, Aug. 5, 2013; photo Passia)