Jenny Jones


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Jennifer “Jenny” Jones born Brighton, England December 23, 1949. Baroness; archaeologist; Green politician. Deputy Mayor of London, 2002-03. Spoke at rally against Iraq war; arrested for protest at parliament, 2014.


The police have a duty to facilitate peaceful protest in this country which people have a legal right to do, but that appears to end as soon as you come within shouting distance of the Westminster village. The people who run this country should not be able to tuck demonstrators away out of sight. Parliament needs to listen and people should have the right to get their voices heard.” (The Guardian, Oct. 21, 2014)

We heard this week from the head of the Chief of the Defence Staff, General Sir David Richards, that the war in Afghanistan is unwinnable, so the Time to Go demo will be the voice of common sense, representing the 75% of the British public which believes that the war should end now and the troops should come home.” (Green Party, Nov. 20, 2010; photo Wikipedia)