Suzanne Jabbour


Suzanne Jabbour born Ardeh, Zghorta, Lebanon September 13, 1960. Lebanese human rights activist; psychologist; co-founded Restart Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence and Torture 1996; Council of Europe North South Prize 2013; President of International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) 2012; vice chair UN committee on torture; aided refugees from Syrian war.


[T]he abhorrent, inhuman and useless crime of torture. When victims are being tortured, they are not tortured alone; their families are tortured, torn and often irreversibly broken. When torture happens a whole society is tortured, a country is tortured, humanity is tortured.” (acceptance speech, North South Prize, 2014; photo IRCT)

Ghada Jamsheed


Ghada Jamsheed born Bahrain June 26, 1967. Human rights activist. Founded Women’s Petition Committee, 2001; collected 1,700 signatures, 2003. Arrested and sentenced one year for advocating women’s rights, 2014; arrested, 2016.


The injustice and suffering continues. Women have become victims of the power struggle, sectarian differences, mismanagement of the government, and unfair distribution of national wealth and resources.” (Chan’ad Bahreini, Dec. 18, 2006; photo OMCT)

Khalida Jarrar


Khalida Jarrar born Nablus, Palestine February 9, 1963. Palestinian human rights activist and lawyer; diplomat representative to European Community, getting International Criminal Court standing; arrested 2015 and convicted 15 months for inciting violence, Palestine Legislative Council 2016.


I am talking about all kinds of resistance that the international law allows, including military resistance. Because international law also allows this for a people under occupation. What is violent and what is non-violent? Is a stone violent or not?  Israel now wants to jail any Palestinian who throws a stone for 10 years. The violence comes from the occupation not the people who resist it. Let all Palestinians share in the popular resistance. It includes everything, stones, molotov cocktails, the boycotting Israel, organising yourself in cooperatives. People’s creativity is much richer than anything I will say to you. Our people on the ground will always find the tools to struggle if you give them the chance. Their creativity is greater than those of political leaders and their leaders.” (David Hearst interview, April 20, 2015 ME Eye; photo Middle East Eye)

Malalai Joya


Malalai Joya born Farah, Afghanistan April 25, 1978. Called "the bravest woman in Afghanistan." Opposed warlords, Taliban, Karzai and US occupation; youngest member of parliament, 2005, from which she was dismissed for criticism.


"I don't fear death, I fear remaining silent in the face of injustice." (Independent, Aug. 5, 2009; photo Wikipedia)