July 6
/Women peacemakers born today
1815 Harriet Minot Pitman born Haverhill, MA (d. 1888). Active abolitionist; "Inquirer after Truth" favoring interracial marriage 1833; Quaker; intimate friend of poet John G. Whittier.
1847 Katherine Tingley born Newbury, MA (d. 1929). Absolute pacifist; Theosophist leader who founded International Brotherhood League 1897, Parliament of Peace 1913.
1906 Colette Audry born Orange, Vaucluse, France (d. 1990). French novelist, film writer, and radical critic. Pacifist, feminist, militant socialist. Advocated negotiation rather than war in Algeria; close friend and subject of Beauvoir.
1920 Elise M. Boulding born Oslo, Norway (d.2010). Quaker sociologist and "Mother of Peace Research; International chair of WILPF 1977-80; opposed Vietnam War by illegally aiding North Vietnamese Red Cross 1967.
1921 Josefina García de Noia “Pepa Noia” born Barrio Norte, Buenos Aires, Argentina (d. 2015). Argentine human rights leader; one of 14 founding Mothers of the Plaza of May after military disappeared her daughter.
1938 Inge Genefke born Copenhagen. Danish doctor rehabilitater of torture victims; won Right Livelihood Award 1988.
1942 Kitty Piercy born Tampa, FL. Peace Corps volunteer Ethiopia; mayor of Eugene, OR; sponsored antiwar resolution US Mayors 2011.
Women's peacemaking on this day
1919 First postwar peace mission arrived Berlin: Aletta Jacobs of WILPF and 4 Quakers.
1944 Irene Morgan's arrest for not sitting in back of bus led to Supreme Court ban on Jim Crow law.
1963 Joanne Collier arrested for protest at Griffis AFB, Rome NY against nuclear weapons.
1986 Heartland Peace Pilgrimage: 25 Catholic women's groups converge at Strategic Air Command, Omaha.
1992 Three women sentenced for protest at Wurtsmith AFB.
2012 Dr. Fatima Al-Mattar beaten by Kuwait police when she defended Bedoon protester.