Eva Kollisch


Eva Kollisch born Vienna, Austria August 17, 1925. American poet and professor of comparative literature. Feminist lesbian peace activist; anti-Stalinist Marxist Trotskyite. Escaped Germany in Childrens’ Transport, 1940. Arrested for anti-Vietnam protests. Took part in Seneca Peace demo; Women in Black vigiler. Received Clara Lemlich Award for Social Activism, 2016.


Not our sons, not your sons, not their sons.” (antiwar sign in vigil, Greenwich Village, Kate Wigand interview, Feb. 2004, Smith College Oral History, p. 24)

I, as a pacifist, abhor that war [in Palestine], and I abhor suicide bombings, of course, and military action and the destruction of people’s homes—it’s all a nightmare, and I always think, there’s got to be another way.” (Ibid., p.40; photo Hamiltonstone.org)