Glenys Kinnock


Glenys Kinnock (née Parry) born Roade, Northamptonshire, England July 7, 1944. Internationalist who founded One World Action 1989; British Minister for UN and Africa 2009-2010; Minister for Europe 2010; Welsh member of European Parliament 1994-2009; anti-Apartheid leader and promoter of third world development.


"[T]he deteriorating situation in Darfur. Tension is building up very seriously and a large-scale military confrontation is threatened, as thousands and thousands of Sudanese troops are now moving into the region with trucks, bombs and guns. We also face a massive humanitarian catastrophe." (European Parliament, Sept. 4, 2006)

"I welcome the fact that we now have collective responsibility to protect civilians against genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and all crimes against humanity. Now we look forward to the proof that in the future the UN will be able to avoid those failures that we so tragically saw in Bosnia and Rwanda." (European Parliament, Sept. 28, 2005; photo Wikipedia)