Specioza Wandira Kazibwe


Specioza Wandira Kazibwe born Iganda, Uganda July 1, 1955. Ugandan surgeon; politician. As vice-president of Uganda, first woman to hold that position of an African nation, 1994-2003. Founded African Women Committee on Peace and Development (AWCPD) to increase women's involvement in African peacemaking processes, 1998. Led African Union team in observation of Liberian elections, 2011. Appointed UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, 2013.


Africa would be the continent of the twenty-first century, just as Europe had been the continent of the nineteenth century and America of the twentieth century. . . In a world where the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, how could Africa share the same vision of prosperity? The competitive marketplace where only the fittest survived must be humanized. The heartless pursuit of profits at the expense of everything else would achieve the opposite of what globalization had intended. . . The globalization agenda imposed the responsibility to create one world from the two worlds of rich and poor. That could only be achieved if the profit motive of capitalism was moderated by concern for the welfare of all humanity.” (DPI/NGO Conference, Sept. 17, 1999; photo ghananewsagency.org)