Carmen Lawrence


Carmen Lawrence born Northam, Western Australia March 2, 1948. Psychology professor and politician. First woman Premier of Australian state, 1990-93; Member of National Parliament, 1994-2007. Minister of Health and Women, 1997. Opposed Iraq War; strong advocate for refugees.


I've seen no evidence despite Colin Powell's descriptions last night of the massing of arms. It's quite clear the only reason the United States is contemplating attacking Iraq is because they believe they can't retaliate. So none of the arguments is convincing.” (PM, Feb. 6, 2003)

I want to make a few broad and bold statements about my beliefs on war and peace. Firstly that deadly conflict is not inevitable. It may seem strange to say that but I believe it’s important to repeat. It doesn’t emerge inexorably from human interaction. We’re not condemned by our natures to settle disputes with violence. We can be peaceful.

"Secondly, the means to prevent deadly conflict is increasingly urgent, especially given the spread or more and more lethal weapons.

"Thirdly, its not that we don’t understand the roots of deadly conflict, but that we don’t act to preserve the peace.” (Australian Ministry of Peace, March 1, 2003; photo