Sabine Lichtenfels


Sabine Lichtenfels (née Kleinhammes) born Münster, Germany December 27, 1954. Theologian and peace activist. Conducted social experiment in peace community building, Herrenberg, Baden, 1983-86. Co-founded nonviolent Tamera Peace Research Village, Alentejo, Portugal, 1995. Led 50 people on peace pilgrimage to Palestine, 2005, and to Colombia, 2010. Nobel Peace Prize nominee, 2005.


“If we want to see a nonviolent Earth, we have to bring together the peace knowledge which is created and collected in many places on the globe for the construction of tangible peace models. The necessary globalization of peace can happen if young people worldwide can learn to build community, to resolve conflicts, and to offer nonviolent resistance successfully.” (The Global Campus// Creating Peace Knowledge for the Future; photo