Monica Lanfranco


Monica Lanfranco born Genoa, Italy March 13, 1959. Feminist author, journalist; nonviolence trainer; wrote Disarming Women about nonviolent women, 2003.


War between people, communities, nations, the world. It 'a certainty, today: from the fist to the holy war have not long to go.” (blog ilfatoquotidiano, Jan. 18, 2015)

Obviously [nonviolence] is not easy: it takes great strength of will, cooperation, study, awareness, empathy, time, and patience. Certainly a weapon, whatever it is, it solves a disagreement quickly and offers its user an extraordinary power, that of life and death. . . we can, men and women together, build relationships and practices different from those used in the public domain.” (blog ilfatoquotidiano, Sept. 3, 2014; photo forlitoday)