Lidia Menapace
Lidia Menapace (née Brisca) born Novara, Italy April 3, 1924. Peace activist; feminist politican; Senator 2006; pacifist teacher; essay on non-violence 2004; co-founded Permanent Women’s Convention Against War; joined unarmed resistance to Mussolini; critic of Israeli occupation; opposed NATO, favoring a neutral Europe.
“We urge you to immediately sign on to the legislation to impeach Dick Cheney to prevent a disaster for mankind.” (author of letter of 14 Italian Senators, Aug. 1, 2007)
“I also believe that non-violent methods are more effective than violent ones: you have to be trained, continually narrowing the use of weapons to 'resolve disputes.'” (Per Lunga Vita, May 3, 2012; photo