March 15
/Women peacemakers born today
1838 Alice Cunningham Fletcher born Havana, Cuba (d. 1923). American anthropologist; Indian rights reformer; chronicler of Indian peacemaking. Convinced Congress to pass Omaha land allotment, 1882.
1868 Lida Gustava Heymann born Hamburg, Germany (d. 1943). German radical; feminist-pacifist; WILPF founding member. Co-founded the first German feminist society with her partner Anita Augspurg, 1902.
1890 Gertrud Kurz-Hohl born Lűtzenberg, Switzerland (d. 1972). "Mother of Refugees." Heroine of the Holocaust; founder and leader of Swiss refugee relief in World War II. Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize, 1961, 1962; awarded Albert Schweitzer Prize, 1965.
1900 Frances Partridge born London, England (d. 2004). British author; lifelong pacifist.
1919 Frances Crowe born Carthage, MO. Quaker; active protester into her 90s. Co-founded Traprock Peace Center, 1979. Arrested over 15 times for nonviolent protests, including 30-day sentence for 1984 Electric Boat protest.
1929 Krishna Ahooja-Patel born Amritsar, India. Canadian professor. International Labour Office, 1969-86; UN official, 1987-90; International president of WILPF, 2001-04.
Women's peacemaking on this day
1896 Maria Chéliga, Princess Gabrielle Wiszniewska and Camille Flammarion founded the League of Women for International Disarmament.
1907 Finland expanded to full universal suffrage in its elections and 19 women were elected to Parliament, marking the first time women were elected to office.
1918 Anasuya Sarabhai shared Gandhi’s fast for mill workers strike, Ahmedabad.
1942 Norwegian teachers arrested for refusing Nazi curriculum.
2012 Ten women arrested for democracy protest, Damascus.
2019 Worldwide student climate walkout inspired by Greta Thunberg. “We are the voiceless future of humanity. . . We will not accept a life in fear and devastation. We have the right to live our dreams and hopes.”