May 28

Women peacemakers born today

  • 1918 Marie-Luise Jahn born Gut Sandlach, Prussia. Peace advocate; physician. Member of anti-Nazi White Rose resistance; sentenced to 12 years hard labor, 1944.

  • 1961 Djimi el Ghalia born Agadir, Morocco. Western Saharan nonviolent human rights activist. “Disappeared” in Moroccan custody, 1987-91. Vice-president of Sahrawi human rights organization ASVDH.

Women's peacemaking on this day

  • 1962 Women Doukhobors disrobed before Prime Minister Diefenbaker in protest, Trail, BC.

  • 1982 Seven women fasted 10 days for Equal Rights Amendment, Springfield, IL.

  • 2013 Five grandmothers arrested for drone protest at Volk Field, Wisconsin; fined $232.