Kara Nelson


Kara Nelson born Manchester, England November 24, 1919. New Zealand peace activist; teacher, pianist; as Kara Bang-bang member of world’s oldest hip-hop group; with Maynie Thompson led “Mum’s Army” 2 month Walk for or Life on Earth from Waikehe to parliament Auckland for nuclear free New Zealand 1984; protested at Greenham Common 1984, Germany 1985, and peace march across US 1986; French nuclear tests 1996; World Peace Walk 2009.


You do have to do things that are dangerous. If you don’t do that, you’re not having a really happy life.” (Faithit, Oct. 11, 2015; photo sbs.com.au)

Kerry Nettle


Kerry Nettle born Sydney, Australia December 24, 1973. Australian senator; Green Party environmentalist. Against nuclear weapons and power; critic of Israeli wars in Lebanon and Gaza; opposed US base in Australia and war in Afghanistan. Interrupted President Bush’s speech to oppose Iraq War and Guantanamo, 2003.


"But worst of all, the support for the aggressive imperial foreign policy of the US, particularly in the Middle East is threatening the interests of peace and stability for the whole world." (Green Left Weekly, March 31, 2004; photo Wikipedia)