October 23
/Women peacemakers born today
1924 Ruth Tiffany Barnhouse born Grenoble, France (d. 1999). American psychiatrist, professor at Southern Methodist University, and Episcopal priest. Keynote speaker on "Peace, the Universal Yearning: the Voices of Women” at the first International Women’s Peace Conference, Dallas, 1988. President of Peacemakers, 1988.
1942 Anita Roddick born Littlehampton, Sussex, England (d. 2007). Nonviolent human rights activist; organized protest against Iraq War, London, 2003; founded Body Shop, promoting human rights and environmental issues, 1976; founded Children on the Edge for East Asian orphans, 2000.
1952 Antjie Krog born Kroonstad, Orange Free State, South Africa. Anti-Apartheid poet; nonviolent philosopher.
1958 Kate Hudson. British peace leader; political science professor; former communist. Led opposition to Iraq War; against Trident missile; opposed Gaza bombing. Chair of Committee for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), 2003-10; overnighted at Trafalgar Square peace camp, 2005; co-founder and chair Left Unity Party, 2013; promoted Wool Against Weapons knitted scarf, 2014.
Women's peacemaking on this day
1850 First National Womens Rights Convention organized and keynote address delivered by Paulina Kellogg Wright Davis, Worcester, MA.
1906 First major imprisonment of suffragists, London; Mary Gawthorpe and Charlotte Despard arrested for House of Commons protest.
1916 Mildred Boissevain's last speech, Los Angeles, gave the battle cry, "Mr. President, how long must women wait for liberty?"
2001 Katie Sierra denied student anarchist club. “Anarchism preaches to love all humans, not just of one country.”
2002 UN Security Council held third Arria Forum to hear Ugandan woman Angelina Atyam.
2008 Five members of Code Pink, including Rae Abileah, attempted a citizen’s arrest of Karl Rove, San Francisco. “Rove is under arrest for treason!”
2014 Four Cape Downwinder Grandmothers convicted of trespassing on Plymouth nuclear plant.