October 5
/Women peacemakers born today
1932 Yvonne Brathwaite Burke born Los Angeles, CA. Lawyer; three-term Congresswoman, 1973-79; County Commissioner; marched with Martin Luther King Jr.; opposed Vietnam war.
1938 Herschelle Sullivan Challenor born Atlanta, GA. Civil rights leader; took part in nonviolent sit-in, 1960; founding dean of School of International Relations, Clark Atlanta University; highest ranking American in UNESCO, 1978-91; presided over UN Decade of Cultural Development.
Women's peacemaking on this day
1789 6,000 French women marched from Paris to Versailles for bread and liberty.
1962 UN Convention on Marriage adopted.
1973 First national conference of Pax Christi organized by Eileen Egan.
1974 Marie-Claire Voron led women in first nonviolent protest against military base at Larzac.
1977 Mothers of the Plaza put ad in La Prensa with 237 photos of disappeared victims.
1982 13 Greenham women arrested for blocking construction.
2009 UN Security Council Resolution 1889 requested use of women in peacemaking.