Concepcion Picciotto


Concepcion “Connie” Picciotto (née Concepción Martín) born Vigo, Spain January 15, 1936 (d. 2016). Maintained the longest-running US peace vigil, located outside the White House, from 1981 until her death; began as anti-nuclear protest, featuring signs: "Live by the Bomb, Die by the Bomb", "Ban All Nuclear Weapons or Have a Nice Doomsday", "Don't Be a Lemming. Save Yourself."


"I am in pursuit of Peace and Justice to make people aware, so that they wake up to the reality that weapons of mass destruction threaten the extinction of mankind. The people have to make the change. The governments do not represent the people, they represent the corporations. We have to start from scratch. If the people lead, the leaders will follow. That's when revolutions happen, when the people cannot tolerate anymore. . . People just want to be heard.” (Malaysia Daily Express, Sept. 19, 1993; photo