Sylvia Pankhurst


Sylvia Pankhurst born Manchester, England May 5, 1882 (d. 1960). British suffragist; Socialist-Communist. Opposed World War I; led London protest march against conscription, 1916; founded newspaper Women's Dreadnought; led protest against Italian invasion of Ethiopia.


"Love and freedom are vital to the creation and upbringing of a child."

"When I read in the newspapers that Mrs. Pankhurst and Christabel were returning to England for a recruiting campaign, I wept. To me this seemed a tragic betrayal of the great movement to bring the mother-half of the race into the councils of the nation. . . We worked continuously for peace, in face of the bitterest opposition from old enemies, and sometimes unhappily from old friends." (Frances Saunders, The Woman Who Shot Mussolini, p. 67, 2010; photo