Gabrielle Radziwill


Gabrielle Radziwill born Berlin, Prussia March 14, 1877 (d. 1968). Lithuanian internationalist. Pioneering woman in League of Nations Secretariat information section, connecting with women’s NGOs. Served in Russian Red Cross on Persian front during World War I.


During recent years women’s organizations have contributed greatly to the forming of public opinion on international questions, and the fostering of international understanding.” (Ellen Warne, “Constance Duncan”, p. 293)

Leda Rafanelli


Leda Rafanelli born Pistoia, Tuscany, Italy September 13, 1880 (d. 1971). Italian poet, author and publisher; “The Gypsy anarchist”; individualist anarchist; convert to Sufi Islam; anti-militarist; anti-imperialist; opposed WWI; lover of pre-fascist Mussolini; rejected postwar colonial quest.


War, we must fight! So said today the group of crowned heads. And then what? . . . then comes the pale horse of famine, the black horse of death . . . The eternal sources of life exhausted, the dispersion of all that is beauty and love. And this ruin must draft the people, the proletariat which will be the first to go and fight, the first to suffer the terrible consequences! No, no, no! Down with the war, reject this frightening vision of blood and death.” (1914, Mirella Scriboni, Down with the war!, p. 148, in Cretastorie, Anarchicini; photo wikipedia)

Ana Raffai


Ana Raffai born Zagreb, Yugoslavia October 11, 1959. Catholic theologian; Croatian peacemaker; nonviolence trainer at Center for Peace Studies. Co-organized ecumenical prayers for peace, 1994; Nobel Peace Prize nominee, 2005.


"Peace begins when people begin to ask themselves what they themselves can do for peace. And. . . they begin to act. . . peace means to work for peace." (quote and photo World People's Blog, May 9, 2006)

Franca Rame


Franca Rame born Parabiago, Lombardy, Italy July 18, 1928 (d. 2013). Radical Italian actress and playwright; Senator; opposed Vietnam War, Iraq War; co-wrote and acted play on Cindy Sheehan's opposition to war.


"Christ asks us to love our enemies and not discriminate on the basis of race or religion. . . He always insisted that any war was unjust and criminal." (Mother Courage: Cindy Sheehan's Diary, p. 5, 2005; photo

Hania Ris


Hania Wislicka Ris born Lodz, Poland June 15, 1913 (d. 1998). Pediatrics Professor Univ. of Wisconsin; pacifist member Physicians for Social Responsibility made friendship visit to USSR 1982; Swiss-trained doctor fought for American accreditation; crusader for birth control.


"Contrary to what so many people in this country think, it is my observation that the Russians are greatly concerned about the prevention of nuclear war. . . the preservation of peace is on everyone's mind." (Milwaukee Journal, Dec. 19, 1982)

Sophia Alekseyevna Romanov


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Sophia Alexeyevna Romanov born Kremlin, Moscow, Russia September 17, 1657 (d. 1704). First woman ruler of Russia; Princess and Regent during minority of her brother Peter the Great; she suppressed military revolt; controlling foreign policy, made Eternal Peace with Poland (Moscow) 1686, which lasted for a century; first treaty with China (Nerchinsk) 1689.

Ernestine Rose


Ernestine Louise Rose (née Polowsky) born Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland January 13, 1810 (d. 1892). American Jewish abolitionist and suffragist. Founded utopian human rights organization Association of All Classes of All Nations, 1835.


"Human rights include the rights of all, not only man, but woman, not only white, but black." (Hartford Bible Convention, June 1853; 1881 photo Wikipedia)

Rose Schorr Rosenberg


Rose Schorr Rosenberg born Hodmezovasarhely, Hungary September 10, 1905 (d.?). Freedom Rider arrested Jackson MS 1961; held in notorious Parchman Prison; attorney who worked for peace with communist Cuba and China.


"'[P]eace' is a wonderful word and we should all be exerting all our energies in advancing the cause of peace." (July 1, 1963 testimony to HUAC; photo Miss. Archives)



Ruslana Lyzhychko born Lviv, Ukraine May 24, 1974. European pop star. UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, 2005. Member of Ukrainian Parliament, 2006-07. Led nonviolent protests in Orange Revolution, 2004, and Euromaidan protests, 2013-14.


I want peace and of course I want a lot of changes in my country. . . We know that we have power and we want to ask Yanukovych, please stop. You're a dictator. We have a lot of aggression from this government. Please stop, please stop.” (CNN, Jan. 28, 2014; photo Wikipedia)