Karin Soder


Karin Söder (née Bergenfur) born Frykerud, Värmland, Sweden November 30, 1928. Member of Parliament, 1971-91; first woman Foreign Minister, 1976-78; first woman to head major Swedish political party, 1985. Chair of Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), 1978-79; Chair of Save the Children Sweden, 1983-95; two-time President of Nordic Council, 1984-85, 1989-90.


"Nuclear weapons kill immediately and kill over time. . . Massive use of existing nuclear arsenals would destroy all life on earth, a global suicide. . . The question now is if we have the collective will and wisdom to step out from the shadow of annihilation and transform the Vision of a World Free of Nuclear Weapons into reality." (Swedish Declaration on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, April 11, 2010; photo Wikipedia)