Yukika Sohma


Yukika Sohma (née Ozaki) born Tokyo, Japan January 26, 1912 (d. 2008). Japanese pacifist; opposed WWII and apologized for Japan’s role. Founded Japan-Korea Women’s Association, 1977; founded Association to Aid the Indochinese Refugees (later Assn. for Aid and Relief), 1979.


"I want to keep Japan's heart open so that my country will not be a menace, as she once was, but an asset to the world." (1980 speech at Caux, in M. Henderson, All Her Paths Are Peace, p. 113)

"If we keep our hearts open, we can always do some good." (Washington Post, April 8, 2007)

"I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that the whole world will see peace and all people can live happily. To get there, of course, countries will need to work together to build trust." (quote & photo AAR Japan)