Josette Sheeran
Josette Sheeran born Orange, NJ June 12, 1954. United Nations diplomat. US Assistant Secretary of State for Business, 2005-07; Executive Director, World Food Program, 2006-12; Vice Chair, World Economic Forum, 2012-13; President, Asia Society, 2013; Special UN Envoy to Haiti, 2017.
“A silent tsunami which knows no borders is sweeping the world.” (Graeme Taylor, Evolution's Edge: The Coming Collapse and Transformation of Our World, 2008, p. 46)
“I believe we're living at a time in human history where it's just simply unacceptable that children wake up and don't know where to find a cup of food. . . I would like you to join with all of humanity to draw a line in the sand and say, ‘No more. No more are we going to accept this.’” ("Ending Hunger Now", TED Talk, July 2011; photo