Rita Thapa


Rita Thapa born Kathmandu, Nepal January 18, 1952. Peacemaker. Served as mediator during Maoist insurgency, 2001. Founded Nagarik Aawaz (“The Voice of the Citizen”) for conflict transformation and peacebuilding, 2001. Arrested for protest calling for establishment of new government and new constitution, 2011. Ashoka Fellow, 1998; Nobel Peace Prize nominee, 2005.


“Prolonged post conflict transitions such as ours mean heightened corruption, impunity, increased abuse of human rights, (especially women’s human rights!) and instability in terms of economy and security. . . Transitional justice, reparation work, and peace dividends—much spoken of in the past 7 years, are still far off from being actualized and experienced.” (quote & photo nagarikaawaz)