Delia Webster
Delia Webster born Vergennes, VT December 17, 1817 (d. 1904). “Petticoat Abolitionist” jailed for aiding slaves escape; teacher, author, and suffragist. Conductor on Underground Railroad, Lexington, KY. Tried for helping slaves escape on her 27th birthday, 1844; sentenced to two years hard labor, but pardoned after two months. Second arrest 1854, escaped and rearrested, tried, and acquitted. Nurse during Civil War; founded school for African-American children.
“From my earliest knowledge of the existence and nature of American slavery, I have had an utter abhorrence of it, as a system of uncompounded wickedness, alike opposed to Christianity, and the principles of republican government.” (“Thoughts on Slavery”, Kentucky Jurisprudence, pp. 83-84, Frances Eisan, Saint or Demon, p. 10; photo