Gladys Walser


Gladys Walser (née Drummond) born Kobe, Japan June 29, 1889 (d. 1975). First WILPF representative at UN, 1945-57. Exchange of prisoners, Korean War armistice, 1952. Played influential role in disarmament of Antarctica, 1959.


The achieving of peace and goodwill among nations. To attain this goal it is my belief that these ends can be attained not by resort to force and violence, but by peaceful means—negotiation, arbitration, conciliation and judicial judgment.” (vitae)

Wu Yi-Fang


Wu Yi-Fang born Wuchang, China January 26, 1893 (d. 1985). PhD biologist; diplomat; first female Chinese university president, 1928-52. One of four women to sign UN Charter, 1945; assisted in governmental education reforms, 1949; delegate to World Peace Congress, Finland, 1955.


"Only as women become educated can we expect them to step into their places as leaders." (Biog. Dict. Republican China III, p. 462; photo