Elizabeth Ward


Elizabeth "Biff" Ward born Sydney, Australia November 29, 1942. Australian author and poet; feminist leader; protested Vietnam War; organized Pine Gap Peace Camp, 1983; leader of anti-nuclear organization Women for Survival.


"It was within this anti-Vietnam war world that I first met women's liberation." (Jocelynne Scott, Different Lives, p. 77; Bob Givens photo 2005 Nat. Library Austral.)

Marilyn Waring


Marilyn Waring born Ngankuawahia, New Zealand October 7, 1952. Feminist professor of politics; 10-year member of parliament, served on Foreign Affairs Committee; led movement to make nation nuclear-free, 1982; critic of economics in which war is most profitable, while women's unpaid work is not counted.


"It is in the economic interest of the major powers that there is always a war going on." (Who's Counting; photo word.world-citizenship)

Alice Wedega


Alice Wedega born Alo Alo, Papua New Guinea August 20, 1905 (d. 1987). Peacemaker at home and N. Ireland; first woman legislator 1961; conscientious objector.


"Our people used to kill and eat men. . . The good spirit had spoken in the hearts of our people and taught them how to make enemies into friends." (Port Moresby, Feb. 1974, in Michael Henderson, All Her Paths Are Peace, p. 81, 1994; photo laikimbuk.com)

Penny Wensley


Penny Wensley born Toowoomba, New South Wales October 18, 1946. Australian diplomat; first Australian female representative to UN, 1997.


"But heads of mission who also happen to be women are role models; and the judgments made about our effectiveness reflect not only on our countries but on women in general. There exists an extra dimension to our experience – at least until there are many more of us in places that count." (The Interpreter, May 20, 2009; photo WW Guide to Women in Leadership)