January 6

Women peacemakers born today

  • 1878 Marian Cripps born Nottingham, England (d. 1952). Quaker war resister; twin sister of peacemaker Edith. Co-founded Fellowship of Reconciliation; founding member of WILPF. President of World YWCA, 1924-28. Head of British WILPF, 1950.

  • 1878 Edith Maud Ellis born Nottinghamshire, England (d. 1963). Quaker; absolute pacifist; daughter of MP. Served as president of British WILPF; led Friends Service Committee, counseling those who refused conscription during World War I; acted as mediator to end Korean War; published pamphlet A Challenge to Militarism, for which she was fined £150, spent 3 months in Holloway Prison.

  • 1921 Mary Maffeo born Casper, WY (d. 2012). Catholic peacemaker; opposed nuclear testing. Aided refugees from war in Central America; served on Catholic international commission to end Vietnam War.

  • 1946 Anja Meulenbelt born Utrecht, Netherlands. Prominent feminist author and politician; Socialist member of Dutch parliament; promoted peace in Balkans and Palestine; recipient of Journalist for Peace Award, 2004.

Women's peacemaking on this day

  • 1907 Maria Montessori opened her first school in Rome.

  • 1929 Mother Teresa arrived in Calcutta to start her work with the poor.

  • 1993 Maria Kirbasova led the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia into Chechnya.

  • 2000 Eight Puerto Rican women, including actress Rosie Perez, arrested for climbing steps of US mission to the UN in protest of the bombing of Vieques.

  • 2010 Poet and human rights activist Susana Chávez murdered in Juárez, Mexico.

  • 2010 Journalists in Trouble President Rozlana Taukina held a flash rally, releasing blue and yellow balloons bearing the names of journalists imprisoned by the Kazakh government.

  • 2014 Five Cambodian women arrested while peacefully protesting detention of Boeung Kak lake activists.