January 7

Women peacemakers born today

  • 1840 Celine Renooz born Liège, Belgium (d. 1928). Feminist author and lecturer; matriarchal pacifist.

  • 1862 Cora Ann Slocomb born New Orleans, LA (d. 1944). American-born wife of Italian Count of Brazza; president of International Postal Union, 1897. Defended immigration; organized earthquake relief; saved a woman from capital punishment; lectured on peace and international arbitration; invented the yellow, purple and white peace flag later adopted by the International Peace Bureau.

  • 1871 Caroline Lasson born Oslo, Norway (d. 1970). Norwegian singer and actress; follower of Gandhian nonviolence; wrote book on her 1931 visit to Gandhi; founded Norwegian Friends of India Society, 1932.

  • 1929 Azucena Berruti born Tres Cruces, Uruguay. Famed human rights lawyer. As first woman Minister of Defense, refused participation in US School of Americas, 2005-08.

  • 1943 Sadako Sasaki born Hiroshima, Japan (d. 1955). Atomic bomb survivor; led peace appeal through efforts to create 1000 paper cranes.

  • 1964 Ruchira Gupta born Kolcata, India. Leading Indian sex traffic abolitionist; journalist; nonviolent activist. Founded Apne Aap Women Worldwide, 2002.

  • 1968 Ҫiğdem Yorgancioglu born Istanbul, Turkey. Turkish artist and poet. Panelist at Women Lead to Peace Summit, 2014.

Women's peacemaking on this day

  • 1919 Washington DC police extinguished suffragists’ watchfire, burning copies of President Wilson’s speeches, only to be confronted with many more fires nearby.

  • 1943 National Committee to Oppose Conscription of Women founded by Mildred Scott Olmsted.

  • 1991 Ardelle Hough arrested in Madison, WI during protest against Gulf War when chained to door of Federal Building.

  • 1991 Kay Camp and Joan Drake went to Baghdad as part of WILPF's International Women's Peace Delegation to stop Gulf War.